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I am a field researcher who studies the interplay of organizational and societal cultures, especially in processes of cultural entrepreneurship, collective meaning-making, and institutional change.  My empirical work uses both qualitative and quantitative analyses of data hand-collected from social media platforms as well as more traditional sources, including archival documents, interviews, and first-hand observations. 


I am currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Management and Organization Department at Boston College. I successfully defended my dissertation on August 22, 2016. 


My dissertation consists of three interrelated empirical studies, all situated in the context of the U.S. hotel industry, that examine how cultural “entrepreneurship,” i.e., processes of constructing cultural distinctions and meanings for valued audiences or publics, can play a role even in a mature industry. Together, the studies look across levels of analysis to reveal how cultural entrepreneurship contributes to ongoing industry adaptation to changing market demands and relates to the expression and legitimation of elite social status and cultural tastes more broadly.  


To learn more about my published and ongoing research, please take a look at my CV, my
Google Scholar page, or read my research statement. Questions? Want more info?
Contact me at


Please also visit our Collective Meaning Micro-Community for lots more on collective interpretation and meaning, what it is, and how to "measure" it using both longstanding and recently-developed approaches.

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